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161 Mystic Valley Parkway
Winchester, MA 01890
LSPA Meeting Minutes & Finance Reports

LSPA Treasurers Reports
Please find a link to the current and past LSPA Treasurers Reports. If you have any questions regarding the reports, please contact Andrea Bernard.
LSPA Reimbursement
To receive reimbursement for LSPA related expenses, please do the following:
#1 - Please fill out this form to request reimbursement for LSPA-related activities.
#2 - Receipts should be submitted upon completion of this form, to or placed in the Treasurer mailbox in the Lincoln School office.
Once this form and the corresponding receipts are received, LSPA will cut the check within 5 business days. NOTE: Expenses will not be paid until receipts are received.
* Common Accounts include: All School events, Enrichment, Gifts, Green Team, New Initiatives, Playground, Social, Technology, Ways & Means
As an alternative to the online form you can print the attached form , complete info and return to the treasurer
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